What is a virus?
The mainstream version:
from https://nobulart.com/a-virus-called-fear/
link is correct. but…often banned, so try in different search providers.
Viruses are composed of DNA and RNA fragments (genetic material) and encased in a protein cover and/or lipid (fat) envelope. According to the popular opinion adopted by mainstream science, they’re tiny entities that are unique because they fall into the grey area between living and non-living. For instance, some scientists say that viruses are NOT living organisms while others say they’re only alive and able to multiply inside the cells of other living things. The cell they multiply in is called the host cell. So, on the one hand viruses are non-living, but on the other hand they become “alive” when in living things. While viruses cannot replicate in living cells on their own, they’re quintessential parasites which can replicate in living cells and also affect the behavior of their hosts profoundly.
Unlike bacterium, viruses are NOT a cell and thus do not have respiratory, nervous or circulatory systems. Although cells reproduce by making a copy of their DNA, viruses do not have the tools to make a copy of their DNA. Despite this fact, scientists claim that viruses have found “other ways” to make new viruses although they don’t have that ability.
One way viruses “replicate themselves is that they insert their genetic material into a host cell, which in turn causes the cell to make a copy of the virus DNA, making more viruses. Confused? You should be!! This confused and illogical understanding of viruses is what makes the average person view viruses as something dangerous; an invisible enemy that has the potential to kill. And this is the same “definition” given by mainstream media and medical establishments. Pathogenic viruses like those blamed on the Spanish Flu, Ebola, SARS, AIDS, Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu etc are considered viral diseases that can be easily transmitted from person to person through droplets that “fly out” when you sneeze or cough.
But is there more to the story?
The Germ Theory
When it comes disease, there are two competing theories in science. The mainstream theory, the germ theory, is the one that has been used all over the world for almost two hundred years to treat and manage diseases. In the 1800s, Louis Pasteur (pictured below) proposed the theory that disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body. According to this theory, all types of micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoans are germs that are responsible for diseases in humans, animals, and other living organisms. When micro-organisms cause infections, they’re called “pathogens.” While this theory takes other factors into consideration including environmental, the principle cause of disease is a pathogen.
In short, the germ theory claims that disease can “strike” anybody and “jump” from one person to another, which is to say people are carriers of disease, and that some diseases are contagious. For this reason, it doesn’t matter how health conscious you’re as an individual because others’ diseases can invade your body and make you sick.
This is extremely important to understand because this theory states that micro-organisms outside the body cause disease, and not from micro-organisms within the cells of your own body. Claiming that “germs are the CAUSE of (instead of the result of) disease” is like saying if you see firemen outside a burning house, they caused the fire! Louis Pasteur’s theory is what modern medicine is founded on because sadly, Pasteur’s theory is profitable and an excellent weapon for fear and control.
But what is incredible about this theory is that it has NEVER been proven. Yet, it dominates modern medicine and every medical doctor learns that the body doesn’t have the ability to heal itself without medical intervention in the form of poisonous drugs and treatments.
“If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it!”
– B J Palmer, D.C.
Scientific Fraud
In the 1870s, Louis Pasteur focused on the study of disease. It was during this time that he reasoned if a vaccine could “found” for smallpox, vaccines could be found for all diseases. His discovery of the chicken cholera vaccine strengthened the germ theory, but many in the scientific world during his time rejected it. For example, one critic in 1884 gulped down a glass of water heavily mixed with vibrio cholerae, the bacterium associated with cholera. Nothing happened to him, of course! But that didn’t stop the germ theory gaining popularity despite its evident flaws.
Although celebrated by modern science today, Pasteur was in fact an imposter and a fraud. Before he died, Pasteur recognized that the terrain theory that his contemporaries like Bechamp proved to be right, but despite this, he requested that his lab records remain private for 100 years! What did he have to hide? Dr. Gerald L. Geison (The Institute of History, Princeton University) spent 20 years going through Pasteur’s private records of his laboratory work, roughly 10,000 pages and discovered countless false claims. An example of the massive fraud Pasteur committed include stating that some animals survived BECAUSE of the vaccination when in fact they had NOT been vaccinated. On the same note, he would claim that the animals that died during his experiments were the unvaccinated ones when in fact they were the ones that were vaccinated.
Like the false claims made by Louis Pasteur, modern science continues to sell lies to the world because most people believe that scientists “know” what they’re doing or talking about. This is one of the reasons science is seen as a religion by many because no-one questions it. However, there are too MANY flaws to ignore or to base public health decisions on. For instance, a quintessential part of determining if there is a new virus and if it’s causing disease is to identify it and then PROVE it by isolating it. But this has NEVER been done, for ANY virus. Dr. Stefan Lanka, a Biologist and virologist states that;
“… a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation, and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterised as a whole unique structure. The electron micrographics of the alleged viruses show in reality quite normal cellular particles from dying tissues and cells, and most photos show only a computer model (CGI – computer generated images).
The Terrain Theory
According to the terrain theory of disease, germs do not cause disease. Instead, organisms are subjected to disease because of the quality of the terrain and the elements it faces.
The word “terrain” refers to the internal environment of the body. For this reason, susceptibility to any disease doesn’t depend on germs but on the quality of the individual’s terrain/body. This theory was first initiated by Claude Bernard, and later developed by Antoine Bechamp.
Unlike the germ theory were the microbe is always the culprit, the terrain theory believes that it’s the level of toxicity a person has in their own blood stream. The belief is that “Germs are NOT the cause of, but the result of, disease.” This is essential to understand for if germs cause disease, and germs are with us all the time, then we would ALWAYS have some form of epidemic to deal with. But we don’t.
Micro-organisms only become pathogenic AFTER environmental factors cause the host’s cellular terrain to deteriorate. For this reason, the terrain theory of asserts that through nutrition, mental and emotional wellbeing, detoxification, maintaining proper pH etc, a healthy terrain is equipped to handle foreign pathogenic micro-organisms. A weak terrain, however, is more vulnerable to external invaders such as toxins from chemicals used to grow or prepare foods, mold, heavy metals including mercury, Phthalates and others found in personal care products, antibiotics in conventional meat etc. The whole theory is based on the fact that unhealthy conditions encourage disease, but with overall health, the immune system is more than capable of doing what it was designed and equipped to do.
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of dead tissue. in other words, mosquitos seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.”
– Dr. Rudolph Virchow, the Father of Modern Pathology.
The terrain theory affirms that an individual can handle outside invaders or threats which cause disease if they maintain a healthy terrain/body. The opposite is also true as a weak terrain/body is more susceptible to disease. This is the reason why some family members battle cancer, diabetes or heart disease. It’s not because it’s genetics or diseases are contagious, it’s because unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle run in the family, and they’re exposed to the environmental toxins. The same is true for “catching” a disease. We can’t “catch” something because a virus is specific to specific cells in the body, and doesn’t come from outside. This is why if a virus attacks your lungs for example, it won’t affect your kidneys or heart. In short, a virus cannot be transmitted within your own body. so the notion that it can jump between people mocks biology. As Antoine Bechamp said, “We don’t catch disease. We build it.”
The word virus actually comes from Latin, which is a poisonous substance. A virus is a well-organized molecular messenger, not a living organism that has the ability to replicate on its own. The human body has trillions of viruses and micro-organisms that live in our skin, intestines, mucous membranes etc.
While the human body has at least 38 trillion bacteria, it’s estimated that we have about 380 trillion viruses, in a community known as the human virome. Yes, 380 trillion viruses. This means we’re always breathing, eating and touching viruses. So how can something that’s part of us be our enemy?
This is like saying our eyes or legs cause disease! A virus is made specifically for a cell, or group of cells or organ.
We have trillions of viruses because viruses are created IN the body and BY the body. They ensure the “spring clean” maintenance of bodily tissues and functions from a cellular level upwards. In short, viruses are NOT contagious and this is something that modern science can’t reject because since 1933, no clinical research has been able to demonstrate or prove a link between a virus and a contagion. Why since 1933? Because the germ theory became established as a global dogma “thanks to” the policies and eugenics of the Third Reich, supported by the Illuminati Rockefeller Institute and financed by the Rothschilds, the banker family who funds every war, civil unrest, genocide, economic collapse and human trafficking in the world.
“You’re working under a wrong premise to begin with and you’re never going to find the answer if you do that. Viruses have no nucleus. There’s no respiratory system. There’s no circulatory system. There’s no digestive system. Viruses are not alive. That is like saying soap is alive. They’re not alive. They are soaps. However, more accurately, they’re enzymes to fractionate tissue for waste elimination.”
– Aajonus Vonderplanitz
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