James McCanney ist ein Astro-Physiker, der eine Radiosendung zur detaillierten Analyse aktueller wissenschaftlicher Ereignisse hat. Ich liebe es ihn zuzuhören, er erklärt recht verständlich komplexe kosmische und irdische Sachen. Er ist ein wahrer Wissenschaftler, der integer sein Weg im Leben gegangen ist.
Seine Website bietet eine unglaubliche Fülle an Informationen, auch über Wasser, Gesundheit, Wind, Orkane und viele Themen mehr.
James McCanney Radio Show Archiv
Lerne die wahren Geschichten über:
Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes
The MANY Planet X Objects
Surviving Planet X Passage
Atlantis to Tesla – The Kolbrin Connection
(note … the only legitimate source for the KOLBRIN is the web internet (www) site culdiantrust.org with a purchase site thekolbrin.com (MAKE SURE you put the “the” before kolbrin or you end up and an illegitimate clone site) … beware of the bootleg internet books with this name sold on Amazon … they are NOT the Kolbrin … if you were conned into buying one of these internet forgeries send it back and get your money back and get a real Kolbrin from the source listed here)
The Solar System Sun-Earth Connection – Space & Earth Weather
The Induced Electric Dipole Red Shift – The Real Reason Why Our Universe is NOT Expanding
The Plasma Discharge Comet Model
Solar System Formation by Capture
The Solar Capacitor
Stellar Surface Fusion
Ball Lightning – Controlled Fusion
The Physics of Tesla Technology
The Electric Universe
Planetary Physics and Weather
Recent Oceans on Mars
Re-Mastered Historical Record Videos My Lectures
20 DVD University Level Astronomy Astro-Physics Space Science Course
What the Japanese Want to Know About Planet X – Japan TV Show Interview
11 Earth Mega-Projects
Water Rights – Who Owns Water
The WING GENERATOR – World Energy Project
Electro-magnetic Propulsion System Designs and The Electric Highways to the Stars
Continuing Galactic Formation Gravitational Collapse and Electric Current Sources
Private Space Program
Re-Calendar Sun Star Clock
Ancient Archaeology – Surveying Ancient Ruins
The Mayan Venus Calendar
The Physics of Ancient Celestial Disasters
The Nazca Lines – Mystery Solved
Aerial Photography – Mapping
110 High Altitude High Resolution Aerial Photos of the American Southwest
The Truth About Comet Hale Bopp
The Harrington Expedition
Mathematical Solutions
Prime Numbers Solutions
Calculate Primes – The Generator Function Direct Calculation of Primes
Breaking RSA Encryption Codes
Number Theory
WINDROIDS 11 O/S – Windows 10 and Android Replacement O/S
Water Filtration Products
Political Corruption Commentary
World Bank Demise – States Rights
Breaking away from World Bank UN controlled fake Federal Government
Free Living
Nuclear Disaster Earth – Fukushima – over 100 USA Nuclear reactors are leaking – EPA shuts off Radiation Detectors nationwide to cover up nuclear contamination
Chem Trails on site research
Weather and Climate Engineering
Infiltration of the Geo-Engineering Climate Change “movement”
Ecuador Earth Quakes and Rods from God nuclear weapons
Election Fraud Mathematical Analysis
Das obige ist eine sehr unvollständige Liste von Themen und laufenden Forschungen