I have worked for many years now on my group tours to Peru with many of the Q´ero shamans and wisdomkeepers, as I invite them to come with my groups to Machu Picchu and Sacred Valley, so we can be for one week with them and do ceremonies and gatherings every day.
The Q´ero tribe lives high up isolated in the Andean mountains at 4200 to 4400 meters and are often called the Masters of the Living Energy, as modern life did not come to their door. The speak Quechua and in their Andean Spiritual Tradition the 3 worlds and the Andean Cosmology are important. They dialoque directly with the stars, the spirits of the mountains, nature and reach multiple levels of wisdom.
Their message is: “our work as humans is to have a complete life, to have a real relationship with the Pacha Mama, with Mother Earth, to have a real relationship with everything in the world, Everything.

1. Q´ero Pacha Mama ceremony for groups
ceremony for 30 – 100 participants
First evening
For hundreds of years, the high shamans or wisdomkeepers of the Q’ero lineage of Peru have used the despacho ceremony for blessings for Mother Earth, her elements and for healings like physical and emotional illnesses, to restore balance and harmony, or as expression of gratitude for life and death.
The Q´ero despacho is an offering comprised of a variety of natural items, arranged like a mandala on white paper. It holds symbolic elements and most important it holds “intent and prayers”. As the despacho is slowly build up with flowers, sacred artifacts, precious foods like sugar, herbs, corn, coca leaves, but also with money and feathers, the Q´ero pray to honor Pacha Mama, the divine feminine, to nature and they pray for the wellbeing of the participants. It is a living prayer, that brings healing, harmony and change. The despacho is burnt in a sacred fire and the energy is set free.
The Q’ero are an indigenous tribe of farmers, weavers, and healers. They are family people, who honor Pachamama with all their hearts. They live simply in sync with the earth, growing papas (potatoes) and choklo (corn), ayni and have a sacred way of giving and taking. They give before taking, in right relation and in harmony with all living things. And Pachamama is at the heart of all of their life.
Pachamama is so honored in Peru and Bolivia, that every day is truly Earth Day. Pachamama could be translated as “earth mother” or “cosmic mother.” Asking for permission first and conveying deep gratitude to the animated mother is the Quechua way of life.
The Andean vision holds that when we leave our physical vessel, our bodies return to Mother Earth, our wisdom returns to the mountains, and our souls return to the stars.
3 hours / minimum of 25 participants
2. Q´ero Kuti ceremony for small groups of 8-15 participants
morning 1 or 2 Kuti groups
All despachos have common elements and yet each has unique intentions. A despacho can be a simple offering with few ingredients or it can be an elaborate affair. During a traditional despacho ceremony, participants build the despacho together by assembling various ingredients (each representing a symbolic element) and adding their own individual prayers of gratitude.
The Kuti is a cleansing ceremony against bad energies. A kuti despacho turns everything upside down, releasing the energies that bind us to a way of life or to our stories (drama!). The kuti and the following despacho are for negative problems regarding love, money or health.
1 ½ hours / minimum 8 participants
3. Q´ero Munayki ceremony for small groups of 8-12 participants
morning 1 or 2 Munayki groups
The Munayki ceremony consists of a ceremony of alignment of the energetic chakras of the body.
The word Munay means “I love you or love” or “Be as thou art.” The word Ki means power, so Munay-Ki can be translated as “the Power of Love.”
These rites are designed to help each person connect more fully with their true self within. Each transmission carries specific energetic codes that are designed to clear, heal, and upgrade your energy field and your DNA. The transmissions also clear our luminous energy fields of the psychic sludge left by past traumas and raise the level of vibration.
2 to 2½ hours with 8-15 participants
4. Q´ero personal despacho ceremony
When we stay longer there is time for private sessions to help you heal or resolve your problems.
1. Despacho ceremony for resolving negative problems with business, health, work, relationships. This is a private personal ceremony with translation.
1½ hours
2. MUNAYKI ceremony is personal private one-on-one ceremony, balancing the chakra system (see explanation above) with translation
1½ hours

5. Q´ero Pacha Mama ceremony for groups
ceremony for 30 – 100 participants
last evening
For hundreds of years, the high shamans or wisdomkeepers of the Q’ero lineage of Peru have used the despacho ceremony for blessings for Mother Earth, her elements and for healings like physical and emotional illnesses, to restore balance and harmony, or as expression of gratitude for life and death.
The Q´ero despacho is an offering comprised of a variety of natural items, arranged like a mandala on white paper. It holds symbolic elements and most important it holds “intent and prayers”. As the despacho is slowly build up with flowers, sacred artifacts, precious foods like sugar, herbs, corn, coca leaves, but also with money and feathers, the Q´ero pray to honor Pacha Mama, the divine feminine, to nature and they pray for the wellbeing of the participants. It is a living prayer, that brings healing, harmony and change. The despacho is burnt in a sacred fire and the energy is set free.
This Despacho Ceremony is specially for the participants wellbeing. You come to the group with your personal wish for life. This can be for getter better, when you are ill, for gettting rid of addictions, for spiritual growth, more abundance in your life, or a better relationship or wellbeing of your parents or children.
2 1/2 – 3 1/2 hours / minimum of 25 participants

6. Q´ero Master class
we are looking into planning a weekend from Friday evening to Sunday at noon with the following program: (can change, will be fix mid january)
Friday evening: Great Pachamama ceremony – despacho – for the earth and the well-being of all participants, with a large fire.
Saturday 10.00 – 17.00: The Q’ero teach, show and explain their ceremonies to the group of participants, speak about their culture, their rituals. Videos of how and where they live, they tell their history and about the villages high in the Andes mountains at 4200 meters where they live in communities. With meditations, crystals, Q’ero “sacred tools” and others.
Sunday 10.00 -13.00: Meditation and ritual to bring the focus to your personal intention. The Q´ero teach the group how to make a Despacho and what is of uttermost importance. The Q´ero Wisdomkeeper will show you how to make an offering and why your intent is so important. They will teach you how you can be in your heart and be in a thankful state for Pacha Mama, our Mother Earth, our Mother Cosmos. He will explain what is important and how it can help you and how it can be a healing experience for your friends and family. Ceremony with Despacho and large fire.
TOUR PRE-PLANNING 2020: we are in the early stages and events will be fixe and uploaded by January
The Q´ero Shamans will be in Bulgaria till June 14
15. – 18. in Holland
19. – 21 Chiemsee
23 -25 Bodensee Switzerland
24. Lindau District – Youth and Children Pachamama Ceremony
27.-28. Switzerland Weekend Group
Die Mythologie der Q’ero-Indianer
Interessante Videos – Q ero Cosmic Vision
- Video aus 1993 – Qero: In search of the last Incas